Sunday, 28 October 2012

Looking Good With Skin Vitamins

Signs of vitamin deficiencies show up firstly in the skin, hair and nails. The reason this occurs is due to the fact that in times of stress or low intake the body preferently provides nutrition to the critical organs such as the heart, lungs and brain rather then the skin. So irritating skin issues such as cracks in the corners of the mouth or peri oral dermatitis may actually be signalling a nutrient deficiency rather than a disease state or skin condition.

Underlying causes for nutrient deficiencies are many and various but often come back to reduced intake or excess demand. Inadequate intake of water-soluble vitamins such as the B group and vitamin C is more common due to the fact that our body doesn't store these vitamins. Any excess passes out on a daily basis. It makes sense then that an inadequate intake of B group and vitamins C rich foods could eventually lead to signs of deficiency. Fat-soluble vitamins such as vitamins A, E, D and K are slower to show up as deficiency signs as our body store these nutrients in some cases for long fairly long periods. However, lack of dietary intake (or sunshine) will eventually use up stored resources and again eventually lead to lower levels.

The other factor that may lead to skin sign of deficiency is placing excess demands on our vitamin resources. Stress, environmental toxins, dietary excesses and ill health will all use vitamins up, sometimes faster than we are taking them in. Again the net result is lower levels.

A good dietary intake of both water and fat-soluble vitamins will help to maintain healthy and vibrant skin. For specific skin signs, the nutrient association and the food sources see the table below.

Роssіblе Skin Sign
Food Sources
Vitamin А
Rough, dry аnd scaly skin - раrtісulаrlу оn thе bасk оf arms, thighs аnd buttocks. Тhе carotenoid form оf vitamin А will аlsо help tо improve skin colour і.е. gіvе уоu а healthy glow.
Liver, cod liver oil, yellow, orange аnd red vegetables (plant source іs carotenoids)
Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin С)
Bleeding gums, rough skin аnd easy bruising, poor wound healing, pinpoint broken capillaries раrtісulаrlу whеrе extensive sun exposure hаs occurred е.g. face, neck аnd chest
Kiwi fruit, green capsicum, citrus fruits, paw paw, strawberries, berries, broccoli, sprouts
Riboflavin (Vitamin B2)
Inflamed eyelids, cracks аnd redness аt thе corner оf thе mouth (caution, thіs mау аlsо rеlаtеd tо low iron sо gеt уоur iron levels checked іf В group supplementation dоеsn't improve wіthіn 2 weeks), facial skin lesions wіth greasy scales, peri-oral dermatitis
Almonds, salmon, spinach, milk & milk products, eggs, oats, whоlе grains
Pantothenic Acid (B5)
Excessive sebum production раrtісulаrlу associated wіth acne
Avocado, mushrooms, lentils, milk & milk products, eggs, almonds
Pyridoxine (B6)
Scaly dermatitis, peri-oral dermatitis, cracks аnd redness іn thе corners оf thе mouth.
Bananas, tuna, avocado, spinach, mackerel, brown rice, Brussels Sprouts
Folates (B9)
Peri-oral dermatitis, cracks аnd redness іn thе corners оf thе mouth.
Lentils, spinach, green leafy vegetables, asparagus, paw paw, yellow corn
Vitamin D
Worsening оf inflammatory skin conditions duе tо imbalanced immune function е.g. eczema аnd dermatitis
Cod liver oil, salmon, oysters, whоlе milk, egg yolk

It is important to note that because fat soluble vitamins build up in the body, it is advisable to speak to a health care professional such as your doctor, naturopath or nutritionist before taking supplement forms.

Monday, 22 October 2012

Green Leaf Tea In Skincare

Most versions of tea are due to the manufacturing processes: these subject the tea leaves to various amounts of oxidation. Following the leaves happen to be selected, they're dried by sunshine, until they shrivel and wilt. Subsequently, they're folded to be able to rupture their surface: the harmful chemicals inside then react and begin aging. Consequently, the leaves change colour - they begin vibrant green, but switch to red-colored, and finally black. After they are totally fermented, the foliage is again dried, and able to be utilized.

Green teas are slightly different, however: even though it is dried like black tea, it's not wilted. Consequently, it doesn't undergo exactly the same amounts of oxidation. Incidentally, oolong tea benefits is partly fermented.

 I've found green tea to taste light and grassy, whereas black teas are much more powerful.

 You will find over seven-hundred chemicals contained in tea, including polyphenols, vitamins and proteins. Teas are naturally anti-cancer causing, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory, with its tannin content, it's also astringent and cooling.

 Consuming teas are also a terrific way to assist in preventing dental tooth decay, because of our prime existence of fluorine, and in addition it reduces bloodstream pressure and cholesterol. It's also anti-microbial, and for that reason an excellent component for natural skincare items, because it offers considerable protection against gram good and bad pathogenic bacteria.

 An additional reason Green Teas are particularly healthy for you is it consists of EGCG (also called epigallocatechin gallate) an ingredient that can't be found elsewhere: With anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory qualities, EGCG will help prevent skin growths.

 It's for the suggestions above reasons that Green Teas are popular choice in organic skincare items, like the Inlight anti-cellulite oil.

 So allows raise a mug towards the wonderful component, Green Tea: Cheers!

Friday, 19 October 2012

Do You Know What Causes Acne?

If you are an acne (especially adult acne) sufferer, you definitely want to find out the answer to the question  'What causes acne?" Do you really know the answer to this important and vital question? Do you know what causes acne? Or, rather, have you ever asked your doctor or dermatologist this fundamental yet critically important question?

Do We Need To Know What Causes Acne?

Yes. You definitely need to know the answer to what causes acne. In fact, you Must know the answer to what is actually causing your acne. Why is it so important to know what causes acne? The answer really is quite simple and logical (no punt on being insulting). As in any science or medical science, if you know what actually is causing a problem, you will know the solution to solve the problem! Or, at the very least, you will know where to begin to look for the solution. That is what science is all about. medical or health science is no different.

Some Common Answers To The Question

If you have ever searched for the answer to what causes acne, then you will likely receive a variable range of answers or possible reasons of acne cause. Let's take stock of some of the common responses to the question 'what causes acne'.

Skin infection is probably one of the most common answers you will hear from your doctor or dermatologist. What follows will be a course of antibiotics and other topical prescriptions. Excessive hormonal secretion is also another popular answer from the professionals. Excessive sebaceous land secretion of sebum or oil is another extremely popular answer given to the layman. This is a great answer because it sounds so technical and scientific. Most layman will fall for whatever that follows. The excessive oil or sebum production will invariably lead to the flourishing population of bacteria on the skin, which then lead to inflammation of the skin.

Will Medication And Prescription Treat My Acne?

Are the above answers to 'what causes acne' wrong? No. They are correct to some extent as far as the process of acne formation is concerned. But they are not what causes acne. Will the medication and prescription help treat your acne? Yes, they will control your acne, as long as you continue to use them. You can testify the truth to this last statement if you have been using prescription and medication for your acne treatment, or rather acne control.

Why Your Dermatologist Don't Always Cure Acne?

This is rather dangerous question to take on. Notice that we say 'don't always'. We are not saying 'never'. Some dermatologist are beginning to take a hard look at the treatment regime they applied to their patients or clients.

They are able to control the acne but rarely cure acne. Why? Because the treatment regime or prescription is targeting only at the symptoms rather than aiming at what causes acne. If you are or have been going through the treatments, most of you can probably testify to the scenario described here.

What Causes Acne - The Digestive Tract?

According to Dr Andrew Rubman, N.D., the founder of the Southbury Clinic for Tradisional Medicines in Southbury, Connecticut, many cases of acne can be cured by addressing what causes  acne. Dr. Rubman indicates that many cases of acne are caused by problems of the digestive tract. In other words, if you really want to cure your acne, you need to look into the root of what causes acne - the health of your digestive tract.

The gastrointestinal tract, or commonly known as GI tract, is our body's major pathway of eliminating wastes and toxins. Dr Rubman explains that when our intestines are overloaded with toxins, the body looks for an alternative channel to get rid of the toxins. Very often, this alternative channel ends up to be the sebaceous glands, which produce acne or pimples when they are blocked by gunk. Dr Rubman explains further that the toxins are in fact pro- inflammatory substances produced from the foods we consume. The foods he refers to are saturated fats in animal products, the hydrogenated fats in processed foods, refined sugar, coffee, and alcohol.

" Who Else Wants To Cure Their Acne, Regain Their Natural Inner Balance and Achieve LASTING Clear Skin?

Click Here

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

How to Remove Dark Spots With Vitamin C

One of the most irritating skin problems that any women could have is having dark spots on their face. Or in dermatologist-speak, increasing hyper-pigmentation.

Thankfully, due to technological advancement, there are now many types of treatments which can remove those brown spots dark patches easily and quickly.

Let me share one tip that could fade dark spots fast.  Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) has been used in skin care products for years. It functions as a preservative, an antioxidant, and is a necessary nutrient involved in the rebuilding of collagen. While it is important to consume adequate Vitamin C in the diet, a number of studies have shown that topically-applied Vitamin C is extremely beneficial to the skin. 

One of the most interesting developments is Vitamin C’s proven benefits in the reduction of dark spots and darkened patches on the face, a cosmetically distressing condition technically known as melasma.

Melasma is a very common patchy brown, tan, or blue-gray facial skin discoloration, almost entirely seen in women in the reproductive years. It typically appears on the upper cheeks, upper lip, forehead, and chin of women 20-50 years of age. Although possible, it is uncommon in males.

This vitamin is great for removing any color imperfection as it gets actively involved in the production of melanin, inhibiting it. The new layers of skin which will be revealed in some weeks after the treatment with Vitamin C will be whiter and in most cases will have the same color as the rest of the skin. In most severe cases, more than one session of treatment with Vitamin C will be needed so that greater effects will be seen.

In addition to that, while discoloring the skin, the Vitamin C will also increase the amount of collagen synthetized by your skin. The collagen is the substance responsible for the skin firmness. Thus, if more collagen is synthetized with the help of this vitamin, then the skin will be less wrinkled and it will look much younger than its actual age.

Vitamin C is also very good in helping the skin synthetize more vitamin E which reduced the damaging effects of the free radicals on the skin. Also, it makes the skin recover faster after wounds, rashes or skin conditions.

Thus, if you have brown spots on your skin you can safely choose a treatment based on Vitamin C. Not only will it safely remove the spots, but it will also bring more benefits to your skin, like erasing the marks that the years left on the skin, synthetizing more Vitamin E and helping the skin recover faster.

Find out which are the most effective homemade recipes containing vitamin C and how you can use them to get rid of dark spots by reading this book. You will find out all you need to know about skin color as well as many natural, cheap and safe recipes which will keep dark spots away from your skin forever.

If you ever want to invest in a good skin lightening cream, then visit here first. You will soon understand why you need an effective dark spot removal product.

Skin Whitening Forever

Monday, 15 October 2012

AcneNoMore : Be Acne-Free In No Time

Do you experience pimple breakouts too often? Do you have itching and peeling of skin? Do you find it weird that you have pimples on your chest, shoulders, back or face? Do you have problems with oily skin and large pores? Do you always tend to hide from people because of your acne? Do you spend a lot of money for buying drugs, toners, cleansers, facial wash, lotions, soaps, or moisturizers? Do you suffer from self-pity, depression, worry or anxiety?

Acne is experienced by many people, what ever the age and gender. This is usually occurring at teenage years up to even forty. This is considered a disorder of pilosebaceous unit or known as the hair follicle or pore. In medical terms, this is a skin disorder classified as chronic inflammatory disease. It is characterize by symptoms such as blackheads, whiteheads, papules, pustules, nodules and cysts.

This skin disorder can be caused by many factors such a hormone change, poor diet, stress, medication effects, rough skin handling, bad cosmetics, genes and birth control pills intake. Sometimes it can be triggered by environmental factors like pollution, humidity, and sun.

AcneNoMore is a known online e-book guide to acne treatment. This was made by Mike Walden, a researcher, nutritionist, consultant and ex-sufferer of acne himself. The developed a natural method without resorting to any drug medications. Basically the system aims to target the causes behind the disorder not just treat the breakouts or scarring. The step-by-step process is accompanied by illustrations and diagrams. There are also food list of good and bad stuffs to prevent.

The system of acne treatment does the following to the sufferer : balances hormones, naturally and permanently removes blocks, kills bad organisms, controls surrounding elements, builds and strengthens body mechanism, neutralizes external triggers and helps maintain the results. The people will be assured that marks, scars and blemishes are removed so the skin will be free from any sign of acne.

The AcneNoMore gives people a good result from the money they paid. The disorder is permanently cured by using conventional methods. Holistic approach is done for treating it. The method directly provides the steps that can be easy to follow. It is safe and effective giving healthy skin in just 2 months. men or women will feel energetic and lighter after treatment. Typical ways of treatment are no longer needs like creams, lotions, soaps and toners.

Discover A Simple Holistic System For Curing Acne Once And For All using 100% Guaranteed All-Natural Method. Get it Now!

Sunday, 14 October 2012

How to Know Your Skin Type Exactly

Basically, there are four common skin types: oily, dry, combination, and normal. The way your skin reacts and behaves classifies the type of skin you have. Skin types reacts in different ways to creams and/or lotions, environment, and weather. The skin on your face is the great point to categorize type of your skin.

Here are four skin types that you should know:

1. Oily Skin

Skin may look oily, sallow, and coarse; it has large pores and tends to have pimples, blackheads and whiteheads. The texture of skin is tick; the touch is often sticky. It is usually youthful-looking due to the presence of oil on the skin. Besides that, within hours of cleansing the oiliness will reappear and makeup is usually absorbed quickly. Often, individuals with this skin type have a propensity to develop acne in their teen and middle years.

2. Dry Skin

This skin type has a transparent looking and fine texture. It may lack natural oils, may look rather flaky with small pores, blackheads and blemishes. It feels particularly dry after cleansing and may have whiteheads aroud the eyes and dry patches. Without sufficient moisture, this skin type can simply become chapped. It's may more likely to become wrinkly than other types.

3. Combination Skin

This type can be characterized as oily on the T-zone (forehead, nose and chin) and the rest of the face, cheeks and around the eye, is dry. However, to restore both areas to balance, they need a separate cleansing routine.

4. Normal Skin 

If this is your skin type you are very lucky, because less than 20% of women have this skin type. It is the "healthy' type of skin. It's smooth, soft, and supple; not too dry, not too oily, characterized by few blemishes, and has a nice glow. Nevertheless, this doesn't mean that you don't have to take care of it.

The first step just before choosing a skin care routine that will make you look beauty is knowing you skin type.

Therefore, I want to give you simple tips how to know what type of skin you have exactly:

# Cleanse your face, and wait for an hour, without applying any skin care product to it.
# After that, take a tissue and wipe each of the following areas of your face: your forehead, nose, chin, and cheeks.

If oil appears on the tissue, then you have oily skin. But, if skin particles can be seen on your skin, or remain on the tissue, then you have dry skin. Other than that, if you see oil in some areas ( T-zone: forehead, nose and chin), and none in others, then naturally you have combination skin. And, if you don't find oily residue or flake is left on the skin, you have normal skin.

One thing that you should keep in mind, cleansing and moisturizing twice a day is an important thing of having attractive and healthy skin, regardless of what type of skin you have. For maximum results, select products that are intended for your particular skin type.

Skin Whitening Forever

Monday, 8 October 2012

Skin Care Tips

1. Never go to bed with makeup on. Makeup left on overnight will seep into your pores forming clogs, irritations, and congestions. Wash your face at least twice daily. 

2. Exfoliate - After washing your face, use a gentle delicate scrub to remove dead skin cells on the surface and help bring forward fresh vibrant cells. Tip - If you don't have a scrub on hand, try using a tablespoon of sugar or oatmeal instead. 

3. Make use of a facial mask. Facial masks a great for promoting moist healthy skin. Excellent mask products are available through your favourite beauty retailers. Looking to save some more money? Making your own mask at home is easy and fun! Banana, avocado and youghurt work well. Just place your desired ingredients in a blender and gently blend to a smooth consistenly.

4. Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize. Always make use of a food moisturizing product daily. Always wash your face prior to applying your moisturizer. Tip - You can gently apply a thin layer of vitamin A or C on your face prior to applying your moisturizer to promote a soft and healthy looking tone.

5. Avoid cheap cosmetics. The pure simple fact of the matter is that often times; inexpensive products are poorly made and poorly tested if at all. This does not mean that you must go out and buy the most expensive products that you can find. Start with moderately priced cosmetics and sample several brands until you find one that works well for you.

6. Be Gentle! Never push, pull, stretch, or harshly scrub your face.Do not pick at existing acne, scars or blemished, EVER! Doing so can damage the skin and increase the chances of developing wrinkles and other unsightly blemished. Treat yourself as if you were an infant. We all know how soft their skin is!

7. Protect yourself from the sun. This one seems obvious and yet I can't think of one person that I know that regularly makes use of sunscreen on a daily basis. Use protective sunglasses, hats or visors for quick trips out and be sure to re-apply sunscreen after swimming or physical exertion.

8. Keep hydrated. This is one of the most important and often overlooked aspects of skin care. Water not only makes up the largest percentage of our body mass but also acts as the river that carries away toxins and waste and keeps our system running at optimal health. But drinking water will make me look bloated. WRONG! This is a myth.Your body will naturally regulate the amount of water it retains in order to operate efficiently. Water retention is often a symptom of some other condition. Drinking water alone and keeping properly hydrated does not cause bloating and could very well be the missing ingredient in your skin care regiment.

9. Release Stress - Stress can be one of the most detrimental factors to achieving healthy skin. Stress causes the body to release chemicals that can have a negative impacts on your skin. Simple remedies such as exercise, relaxation, and simply some alone time can often do the tricks. A quick trip to the spa once in a while doesn't hurt either.

10. Get more sleep. Long term sleep depravation can cause droopy skin around the eyes and in the forehead area. Ideally, you should strive for a minimum of 8 hours of quality sleep each night to look and feel your best.

11. Use a good toner. As skin ages, it begins to loose its elasticity. Toning can help keep the skin clear and firm. Look for a toner than contains alpha hydroxyl acids. These help to reduce pore size and can also be beneficial to preventing ingrown hairs.

12.Winter Skin Care - Winter skin problems such as dryness, itching, and cracking are commonly associated with the cold, dreary days of winter. Often times, this results more from loss of moisture resulting from spending the majority of our time indoors in low humidity environments that it does from the actual cold. Invest in and use a humidifier. Keeping the relative humidity in your house at or above 60% will allow your skin to replenish itself by absorbing moisture from the air. A nice way to illustrate this is to use the example of a desert and a rainforest. Think about your last trip to the desert for a moment.

What do the plants have in common? They are all rough, spinny and hard. Now think about a trip to a more humid climate. What are the characteristics of the plants? Think big, bright, soft and colourful leaves. The difference - The amount of mousture in the air. You can choose whether your house will be a desert or a rainforest and your skin will respond appropriately. Also refrain from taking long hot showers. Hot water removes natural oils from the skin and essentially peels back your natural layer of protection. This can open you up to dryness and cracking.


Welcome to my blog!! My name is Clara and here, I will provide tips and infos about the best ways to care for your skin. Skincare is strenuous and difficult but it is also vital in order to acquire healthy and glowing skin. But no worries! If you follow this blog I will guide you endlessly about effective skincare as well as recommend superb products that work best for your skin.

So stay tune!